So, our team leaves in only 9 days to head to Zambia, Africa to disciple and witness to others! I'm excited to be going with a wonderful group of people who love the Lord so much. I ask for your prayers during the next 9 days and for the two weeks that we will be gone. I'm having a lot of emotions with the departure date nearing so quickly and I'm quite sure that is normal. Even so, I would love your prayers for peace, strength, and unity among our team. I know for me, as I am trying to prepare and am dealing with all of these emotions I have become very sensitive and Satan is definitely using that for his advantage right now... Other things we'd love for you to pray for is our health before, during, and after the trip, and for safe travels there and back. Please pray that the hearts of the people we will encounter will be ready to hear the Word and that God would use us in such a way that only He will receive the glory! I won't have much internet access while in Zambia, so I'm not expecting to post a blog, but you never know...keep an eye out! If I'm not able to, I plan to journal and blog along the way and will post them when I get back to Texas. Below is a picture of our team...a great looking bunch of folks if I do say so myself!
Back row left to right: Chris Williams, Chris Payne, Joel Tischauser, Jeff Collie, & Chuck Schreiber
Middle: Evan Schreiber
Front row left to right: Chisty Collie, Julie Schreiber, Shelby Tischauser, Nacole Morgan, & Amber Higgins
What else?? Well, tomorrow is the last day I'll have a first grader! As of tomorrow afternoon I'll have a second grader...that is insane! He was just a baby yesterday! Jeremy and I are so proud of all of his accomplishments this year. Austin had exceptional grades all year, and is reading way above his grade level. I love that he reads well and enjoys it! He is his momma's boy! Carson is growing like a weed too! He's always happy and smiling and has such a fun personality!