Monday, October 3, 2011

A lesson in patience and faith!

Back in August, the 16th to be exact, Glen Rose ISD posted an open position for an elementary teacher's assistant. I heard through the grapevine it was for a PE assistant, which would be right up my alley so I applied. I did all the "right" things after applying...making contact with the principal, and then following up after my interview. As the weeks went by, I assumed I hadn't got the position and re-focused my attention and efforts on studying for a certification exam. I even emailed my "prayer force" and told them I hadn't got the job... Then, two weeks ago on Friday October 23rd one of my references contacted me saying the principal from Glen Rose elementary had contacted them! And this morning at 10:35 I received a call from the HR department offering me the job. This has not been an easy 6 or 7 weeks for me. See I began the journey to becoming a classroom teacher and/or getting in the schools in any way possible 8 months ago. I did all the "right" things with every job I applied for and got no where with each application/open position. God seemed to be closing every door that opened so when the Glen Rose position came open I went into it expecting the same results. Little did I know what God had in store. :)

Cute story:
The day of my interview Austin told me he was going to pray for my "meeting" to go well before jumping out of the car for school. This is our conversation after school.
Me: Austin, did you pray for me today?
Austin: Yes mom, I did.
Me: What did you pray?
Austin: I asked God for you to do well and answer all the questions right. I also prayed that I'd see you when you came in the school.
Me: And, did you see me?
Austin: No, but it's okay because God doesn't always answer our prayers right away. And I didn't see you today, but maybe He'll answer my prayer by letting me see you everyday if you get the job!
I'd say Austin is wise beyond his years. :)

A few scriptures that I proclaimed throughout this test of faith and patience!
Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Psalm 37:7
No human wisdom or understanding or plan can stand against the Lord. Proverbs 21:30

Tomorrow begins a new and exciting journey!

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