Your Great Expectations
Delayed hope makes the heart sick.
Proverbs 13:12
Do you expect your future to be bright? Are you willing to dream king-sized dreams...and are you willing to work diligently to make those dreams happen? Hopefully so--after all, God promises that we can do "all things" through Him. Yet most of us, even the most devout among us, live far below our potential. We take half measures; we dream small dreams; we waste precious time and energy on the distractions of the world. But God has other plans for us.
Our Creator intends that we live faithfully, hopefully, courageously, and abundantly. He knows that we are capable of so much more; and He wants us to do the things we're capable of doing; and he wants us to being doing those things today!
Always stay connected to people and seek our things that bring you joy. Dream with abandon. Pray confidently.
By: Barbara Johnson
Those who are blessed by Him will inherit the land.
Psalm 37:22
good luck!!!!!! i found grad school to be easier in ways and harder in others, but more rewarding than undergrad in most ways. hang in there! you'll do awesome! so glad to follow you and your precious family on your blog.