Back in August, the 16th to be exact, Glen Rose ISD posted an open position for an elementary teacher's assistant. I heard through the grapevine it was for a PE assistant, which would be right up my alley so I applied. I did all the "right" things after applying...making contact with the principal, and then following up after my interview. As the weeks went by, I assumed I hadn't got the position and re-focused my attention and efforts on studying for a certification exam. I even emailed my "prayer force" and told them I hadn't got the job... Then, two weeks ago on Friday October 23rd one of my references contacted me saying the principal from Glen Rose elementary had contacted them! And this morning at 10:35 I received a call from the HR department offering me the job. This has not been an easy 6 or 7 weeks for me. See I began the journey to becoming a classroom teacher and/or getting in the schools in any way possible 8 months ago. I did all the "right" things with every job I applied for and got no where with each application/open position. God seemed to be closing every door that opened so when the Glen Rose position came open I went into it expecting the same results. Little did I know what God had in store. :)
Cute story:
The day of my interview Austin told me he was going to pray for my "meeting" to go well before jumping out of the car for school. This is our conversation after school.
Me: Austin, did you pray for me today?
Austin: Yes mom, I did.
Me: What did you pray?
Austin: I asked God for you to do well and answer all the questions right. I also prayed that I'd see you when you came in the school.
Me: And, did you see me?
Austin: No, but it's okay because God doesn't always answer our prayers right away. And I didn't see you today, but maybe He'll answer my prayer by letting me see you everyday if you get the job!
I'd say Austin is wise beyond his years. :)
A few scriptures that I proclaimed throughout this test of faith and patience!
Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Psalm 37:7
No human wisdom or understanding or plan can stand against the Lord. Proverbs 21:30
Tomorrow begins a new and exciting journey!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Our little yellow belt!
Before Austin tested this evening, he was very nervous and afraid he would fail. He was afraid he wouldn't be able to break the board... I asked him if he had prayed and told Jesus he was nervous and if he had asked him to help him do well on his test. He replied "Of course I have mom. I've also prayed for all of my friends; that they will do well even if I don't." His responses always amaze me! Our 7 year old prayed for the other students testing to pass even if he didn't...I sure don't know what God has in store for Austin, but I know it's BIG and I'm so thankful that God chose Jeremy and I to be his parents!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
San Antonio 2011
This Labor Day weekend our family took a mini vacation to San Antonio to spend some time with our friend (family really) Jeff and take the boys to do some fun stuff. This was the first time that we have taken Carson with us on a family trip. As I say that I feel like I have to justify why we haven't taken him places yet...first of all, he's just now 2 and we have only really ever gone skiing and to Schlitterbahn...both of which he was much too small to enjoy until now! So anyway, back to the vacation. It was SO much fun. Jeremy and I had as much fun as the boys did. This blog will be full of pictures of everything we enjoyed!
This is all of us at the Riverwalk! Carson loved the "tourist" boats that came by every few minutes. Austin was busy looking for alligators while Carson would yell "there's a boat, there's a boat!".
After some yummy lunch at Casa Rio on the Riverwalk, we headed over to the Alamo. The boys both enjoyed seeing the old cannons!
Can't you just hear Carson saying CHEEEEESE?!
Saturday we enjoyed the Riverwalk and Alamo and on our way back to Jeff's house we made a quick stop by KENS 5 so the boys could see where he works. Again...they had SO much fun. It was pretty quiet around the station so the producer let them both have the studio all to themselves! They got to sit where the news anchors sit and even give the weather report!
The most handsome news anchors I've ever seen!
Austin is trying to figure out this reporting business!
This is Carson Morgan reporting live for news channel 5!
Enjoying every minute. :)
Checking it out!
The highlight of our Saturday was most definitely the stop by the news station. They boys were treated like super stars for sure and it was a blast watching them have fun. Sunday morning we all went to Sea World. We've all been to Sea World before but this was the first time Carson was big enough to really enjoy it and boy did he (and Austin too!). A few years ago we met one of the dolphin trainers in the show Azul. When Austin was an only child (back in 2008) he took Austin backstage after the show and let him feed the beluga whales. Well, on this trip to Sea World we all got to backstage again! We got to see the whales and dolphins, feed them and touch them! One of the baby beluga whales took a likin' to Carson and it was super cute! Thanks Chuck for treating our boys like super stars and taking them backstage. You're awesome!
Austin feeding Martha, the beluga whale!
This is "Atla" a baby beluga whale. She's swimming up to check out Carson.
See Atla looking at Carson?! He thought this was so cool. :)
This is our friend and dolphin trainer Chuck! Some of you might recognize him... Have you seen Spy Kids 4?!
There were so many fun and wonderful memories created this weekend! Way too many to write about here... I cannot wait to take another family vacation with the boys. We all had so much fun! Thank you uncle Jeff for everything! We'll definitely be back soon. :)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
A Mommy Brag Moment!
This blog is simply a moment for me to brag on my 7 year old, Austin! We are in our second week of school and I'm pleased to say Austin is doing great. He breezed right through last week and was SO, SO, SO excited yesterday when I picked him up. When he was waiting for me at cone #2 I could just tell he was excited about something. He was glowing. He literally jumped in the car and announced "I've made the Tiger Patrol"! Oh how we've talked about this day for TWO years! Ever since he started kindergarten he's talked about being a Tiger Patrol... Tiger Patrol is something that 2nd graders have the opportunity to participate in for good behavior. This is a position that you must earn by having good behavior and be selected for by the classroom teacher. Tiger Patrol students must arrive at school and be ready for duty by 7:30am every morning for a whole month. At the end of the month new students are selected based on behavior and teacher recommendations. Austin went to bed about 15 minutes early last night so he would be prepared to carry out his duty as the first grade hall monitor! He was up at 6:15am and asked if he could start getting ready for schools! I walked in with him so I could get a picture of him in his tiger patrol vest...which embarrassed him just a little. :) Jeremy and I just couldn't be prouder!
Austin's first day of Tiger Patrol duty!
Another accomplishment Austin has achieved is all 3 of his stripes on his white belt in Tae Kwon Do. Last Friday he earned his final stripe on his white belt and is now ready to test for his yellow belt! He'll be refining his skills and getting ready to test very soon. We are so proud of him and how well he is doing, but more than that we are proud of how hard he works as a student to do well in anything he does. I know God has an awesome plan for Austin and I am so thrilled to be a part of his life. :)
Way to go Austin!
We are so proud of you!
Nothing sweeter than a praying friend!
It was a year ago that I received a text message from a friend asking me how she could pray for me that day. I can remember receiving that text as if it were yesterday. I thought "really, did she just ask me that" and "maybe she sent this to the wrong person". I have to admit I thought it was a little strange and then wondered how in the world to respond. I had never had a friend ask me how they could pray for me before. Not and really mean it. Sure, I've had people say "I'll be praying for you" and I believe those people did pray for me but I had never had a friend seriously ask me how they could pray for me, for my struggles, for my life. Why was this so weird?
I believe this seemed so strange to me because I wasn't praying like I was supposed to... I was praying for the things "I" wanted and the things that would make "ME" happy. My prayer sounded something like this "God, please fix all the problems in my life; make the difficult relationships easy; give me the best job; bless us with the things we desire; help us to make a lot of fun friends and so on..." Get the picture? After my friend texted me that day I looked to Scripture to see how the Bible tells us to pray and I found the verses above in 1 Timothy and in Ephesians. I also found the verses that told me how to pray (see below) and my prayer life over the last year has completely turned around. And a few days ago, I reciprocated to a few of my friends the offer to pray for them and for their needs. If you've never asked your friends how you can pray for them, I would encourage you to do that... It's truly a humbling experience to see what their needs are. Honestly, it made me much more grateful for the things and blessings I do have.
I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them....This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.
1 Timothy 2:1 & 3-4
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.
Ephesians 6:18
Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples. Jesus said, "This is how you should pray." "Father, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. Give us each day the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And don't let us yield to temptation." ...."And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."
Luke 11:1-10
...Pray for those who hurt you.
Luke 6:28
Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray...
James 5:13
There are many, MANY more verses on prayer found in Scripture, but these are a few of my favorites! I'm not saying I've mastered prayer (because I'm far from it) but my prayer has changed so much. Today I'm praying for my friends and their requests, for their kids that have gone off to college, for the house that is quiet without them there, for my friends who have moved and are longing for friendships, for my friends to grow closer to God, for those that need jobs, for those that are struggling with raising their children, and many more. It has made my needs seem much smaller in the grand scheme of things and I count it a true honor to pray for others!
Friday, August 19, 2011
The stock outlook on teeth is turning around!
Well, Austin finally lost one of his front two teeth! It's been loose for a while now and finally fell out just after we met his new second grade teacher last night. Austin was discussing how much he thought his tooth would be worth when Jeremy interjected and said "teeth values are down, the stock market dropped over 400 points today"! Of course Austin didn't understand the joke as much as Jeremy and I did, but it was funny!
Austin's last picture with his two front "baby" teeth!
Missing one front tooth!
I'm happy to say that the tooth-fairy must have expected the stock market to rise today because she was good to Austin. He got a whole $2 dollars for that front tooth. :) Since I'm blogging about Austin today, I want to brag on him for a second... He has grown about a foot tall this summer and is wearing a size FOUR shoe! Not only has he grown physically, but he's becoming a wonderful young man who loves God with his whole heart. He's matured so so much over the last few weeks and Jeremy and I are so excited to see how he grows this year in second grade. Austin, we love you!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
How are you handling all this heat?
It's August 18 and we've had record high temperatures for over 50 days straight now. I think we are getting close to the second hottest summer EVER... I don't know about you but I'm SO ready for winter. Well, maybe I'm not ready for winter, but some cooler temperatures anyway! All this heat has gotten me thinking...
How are we really handling this heat? Spiritually speaking, how are you handling the heat and drought conditions?
How are we really handling this heat? Spiritually speaking, how are you handling the heat and drought conditions?
Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and
have made the Lord their hope and confidence.
They are like trees planted along a riverbank
with roots that reach deep into the water.
Such trees are not bothered by the heat
or worried by long months of drought.
Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit!
Jeremiah 17:7-8
Did you read the verses above? Wow... While all these days of over 100 temperatures are surely sucking energy from me, what kinds of heat and drought are really getting to you? For me, it's the months of unsuccessful job searching, difficult relationships, the battle of time, the difficulty of raising children, the frustration of SICK children... Thankfully as of 8:00am we have been throw-up free in our house for 17 full hours! Anyway, while the land we live in is currently experiencing a drought, our spiritual lives should not be. For me, these verses redirected me in where my trust, hope, and confidence should be. My prayer today is that I will put my full trust in the Lord and give him all of my problems so that I may not be bothered by the heat or worried by the drought, but continue to grow "green" in Him!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
2nd grade here we come!
In the Morgan household, we are gearing up for the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year. We know who Austin's 2nd grade teacher will be, we have all of our school supplies bought and ready to go, and a deposit has been made into the lunch account! Sounds like we are pretty prepared, right? Well, actually...I haven't felt all that prepared. Austin is growing up too fast. It was just yesterday he was starting pre-k and overnight he's become a second grader. Each year as the school year begins, while Austin is excited about seeing friends and learning new things, I try to convince myself that school is a good thing! I'd much rather keep him at home, wrapped in a bubble so that I know he's safe. Can any of you relate to that?! I worry about how the "bad kids" will influence him or that there will be a bully in his class that is mean to him. I worry that he won't have the best teacher or that he will misbehave in class. I pretty much worry about every aspect of sending my child into the scary world out there...and yes, I think even elementary school is part of this big scary world!
Something I've learned over the last two years that has helped me this time is this: Austin is only on loan to Jeremy and I and while we are responsible for his needs here on Earth, he really belongs to God. Instead of trying to be in control of every potential situation, I pray in advance for Austin's teacher and every aspect of the school year. Rather than worrying about those "bad influences", I pray that Austin will be strong in his faith and will be a witness to his classmates and friends. Instead of worrying about him misbehaving, we try to teach Austin right from wrong and see school as a way to practice what he's learned.
Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.
Psalm 127:3
Something I've learned over the last two years that has helped me this time is this: Austin is only on loan to Jeremy and I and while we are responsible for his needs here on Earth, he really belongs to God. Instead of trying to be in control of every potential situation, I pray in advance for Austin's teacher and every aspect of the school year. Rather than worrying about those "bad influences", I pray that Austin will be strong in his faith and will be a witness to his classmates and friends. Instead of worrying about him misbehaving, we try to teach Austin right from wrong and see school as a way to practice what he's learned.
I will put my trust in Him, that is, I and the children God has given me.
Hebrews 2:13
So in a sense, we are ready for the 2011-2012 school year to begin! We are going to enjoy the last week of sleeping in and not having homework, for next week will bring on both routines and homework and hopefully NOT parent-teacher conferences!!
Monday, August 1, 2011
A Zambia Thank You!
Dear Family & Friends,
I am excited to write and share with you a little of what God did in Zambia this summer! First, I want to thank you so much for your faithfulness to the Father in giving unselfishly and for your prayers. It was a privilege to go to Zambia and I would not have been able to do so without your prayers and financial support. God is so faithful!
During our first week in Zambia, we taught discipleship essentials to 15 young adults. Our goal in teaching this group was to equip them with the tools they need, along with some encouragement, to begin leading small group bible studies and witnessing in the townships and bush. This group of men and women were amazing and through email we know that several small groups have been started since we left Zambia!
After the discipleship training was completed, together we all went to the bush to minister to the people there. We split up into groups and went door to door witnessing and inviting people to come see the Jesus film. Many people came to see the film that evening. There were so many men, women, and children that came that we could not count them all. That evening, about 50 people accepted Christ as their personal savior!
The next week we taught a new believers class at the Chande Orphanage. We had about 60 children, from grades 7-9, that participated in the new believer’s class. We taught some basic principles every new Christian should know and how to build their relationship with Christ. While we were teaching these classes, many children became curious why we were there and that opened the door for us to share the gospel with them. Just from interacting with the children at the orphanage, 15 children accepted Christ that week! On our last day in Zambia, we had the privilege of baptizing 42 precious children!! Because of the generous donations our team members received, we were able to take 100 Bibles to the children there. Their faces lit up when they each saw their names written in the Bibles!
While we were only in Zambia for 10 days, I experienced some wonderful things and saw many things that broke my heart. I met some of the most amazing people! The term “brothers and sisters in Christ” means so much more to me than it ever has before. The people of Zambia are so hungry for Christ. Pictures of the poverty these people experience do not do justice. Above all the poverty they face, they put their full faith in Jesus Christ. The people there are very relational and always have the time to stop and talk, something we are not so great at here in America. They don’t have all the distractions we seem to have here in the U.S. Since I returned home, our family has been trying to simplify our life so that we will have the time to stop and enjoy each other and our friendships more!
There are so many stories and things I’d like to share but there isn’t enough space in this letter! I will blog about experiences and put up pictures over the next few months and I’d love for you to check it out. My blog site is
Again, I want to thank you for serving with me in Zambia! It was such a privilege and an honor to see first hand all of the amazing things God is doing in Kitwe, Zambia. To see a video with many pictures of our trip go to and search jnacmorgan. There you will see the Zambia 2011 video!
For the Kingdom,
Nacole Morgan
I am excited to write and share with you a little of what God did in Zambia this summer! First, I want to thank you so much for your faithfulness to the Father in giving unselfishly and for your prayers. It was a privilege to go to Zambia and I would not have been able to do so without your prayers and financial support. God is so faithful!
During our first week in Zambia, we taught discipleship essentials to 15 young adults. Our goal in teaching this group was to equip them with the tools they need, along with some encouragement, to begin leading small group bible studies and witnessing in the townships and bush. This group of men and women were amazing and through email we know that several small groups have been started since we left Zambia!
After the discipleship training was completed, together we all went to the bush to minister to the people there. We split up into groups and went door to door witnessing and inviting people to come see the Jesus film. Many people came to see the film that evening. There were so many men, women, and children that came that we could not count them all. That evening, about 50 people accepted Christ as their personal savior!
The next week we taught a new believers class at the Chande Orphanage. We had about 60 children, from grades 7-9, that participated in the new believer’s class. We taught some basic principles every new Christian should know and how to build their relationship with Christ. While we were teaching these classes, many children became curious why we were there and that opened the door for us to share the gospel with them. Just from interacting with the children at the orphanage, 15 children accepted Christ that week! On our last day in Zambia, we had the privilege of baptizing 42 precious children!! Because of the generous donations our team members received, we were able to take 100 Bibles to the children there. Their faces lit up when they each saw their names written in the Bibles!
While we were only in Zambia for 10 days, I experienced some wonderful things and saw many things that broke my heart. I met some of the most amazing people! The term “brothers and sisters in Christ” means so much more to me than it ever has before. The people of Zambia are so hungry for Christ. Pictures of the poverty these people experience do not do justice. Above all the poverty they face, they put their full faith in Jesus Christ. The people there are very relational and always have the time to stop and talk, something we are not so great at here in America. They don’t have all the distractions we seem to have here in the U.S. Since I returned home, our family has been trying to simplify our life so that we will have the time to stop and enjoy each other and our friendships more!
There are so many stories and things I’d like to share but there isn’t enough space in this letter! I will blog about experiences and put up pictures over the next few months and I’d love for you to check it out. My blog site is
Again, I want to thank you for serving with me in Zambia! It was such a privilege and an honor to see first hand all of the amazing things God is doing in Kitwe, Zambia. To see a video with many pictures of our trip go to and search jnacmorgan. There you will see the Zambia 2011 video!
For the Kingdom,
Nacole Morgan
Monday, July 4, 2011
Zambia 2011: Part 1 of ??
It's July 4, 2011 and I'm just now attempting my first blog about Zambia. As I sat down to begin blogging I felt bad that once again I've been a terrible blogger...but really I haven't blogged because I'm still processing everything about the mission! I've still got so much to do and so many thank you's to write to all of those who graciously gave in support of our mission in sharing God's word with the people of Africa. But, many of you have been waiting to hear how things went so here's a small preview!
When leaving the good ole USA I had no idea what to expect as I arrived in Africa! I wondered how much I'd miss Jeremy and the boys, how I'd like the food, where I would sleep, if I would make friends in Zambia, and so much more... I received answers to many of those questions and more! I missed my family something awful, was able to try some new foods, and met some of the most amazing people who I will never forget and will always call friend. During our mission, we taught a discipleship class, new believers class, as well as witnessed in the bush and local townships. To say our mission was a success would be an understatement! Our mission was amazing, fruitful, fulfilling, unforgettable...get the idea?! While these numbers are not exact, here is a good estimate of what we came up with: Around 50 salvations while witnessing at the orphanage, bush, and in the townships and 42 baptisms that took place at the orphanage the day before we left to come home! Most of the baptisms were the children who were in our new believers class we taught at the Chande (orphanage) and had been previously saved at Holiday Bible school in April 2011. However, there were mulitple children that accepted Christ while we were there! While we were playing football (soccer) and/or just being at Chande we got to know many of the students there and through that were able to share Christ with them! Not only did God prepare the ground we walked on and the hearts of the people there, but I learned a lot too. I honestly believe the people in Zambia taught me more than I could have possibly taught them. I love and miss them all so very much and look forward to seeing them again!
When leaving the good ole USA I had no idea what to expect as I arrived in Africa! I wondered how much I'd miss Jeremy and the boys, how I'd like the food, where I would sleep, if I would make friends in Zambia, and so much more... I received answers to many of those questions and more! I missed my family something awful, was able to try some new foods, and met some of the most amazing people who I will never forget and will always call friend. During our mission, we taught a discipleship class, new believers class, as well as witnessed in the bush and local townships. To say our mission was a success would be an understatement! Our mission was amazing, fruitful, fulfilling, unforgettable...get the idea?! While these numbers are not exact, here is a good estimate of what we came up with: Around 50 salvations while witnessing at the orphanage, bush, and in the townships and 42 baptisms that took place at the orphanage the day before we left to come home! Most of the baptisms were the children who were in our new believers class we taught at the Chande (orphanage) and had been previously saved at Holiday Bible school in April 2011. However, there were mulitple children that accepted Christ while we were there! While we were playing football (soccer) and/or just being at Chande we got to know many of the students there and through that were able to share Christ with them! Not only did God prepare the ground we walked on and the hearts of the people there, but I learned a lot too. I honestly believe the people in Zambia taught me more than I could have possibly taught them. I love and miss them all so very much and look forward to seeing them again!
This was our witnessing team from the bush.
From left to right: Amber, Evan, Ruth, Nacole, Timothy, Vincent, & Chris P.
This was our new believers class that Chris W and I taught.
This is Sophy! I just love her and had the privilege of assisting in her baptism! I promised her that I would pray for her every day that she will do well in school. She is a strong young lady and I know God has great plans for her!
This is Joyce (left) and Dorthy (right)! This sweet young lady accepted Christ, with her mother by her side, as the baptims were beginning on Thursday morning! What a precious day for this beautiful family.
I have so many stories and things I can't wait to share, but there is so much that I can't get it all in one blog!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Only 9 days left!!
What a terrible blogger I am. I mean really...I keep saying I'm going to blog at least once a week and then it ends up being over a month in between posts. So, where have I been and what's been going? Over the last few months, my life has been nothing but busyness! I've been preparing with the team to go to Zambia and all of the details that entails as well as working on my alternative teaching certification stuff. Combine those two things with my growing boys and this house is full of things we have to do!
So, our team leaves in only 9 days to head to Zambia, Africa to disciple and witness to others! I'm excited to be going with a wonderful group of people who love the Lord so much. I ask for your prayers during the next 9 days and for the two weeks that we will be gone. I'm having a lot of emotions with the departure date nearing so quickly and I'm quite sure that is normal. Even so, I would love your prayers for peace, strength, and unity among our team. I know for me, as I am trying to prepare and am dealing with all of these emotions I have become very sensitive and Satan is definitely using that for his advantage right now... Other things we'd love for you to pray for is our health before, during, and after the trip, and for safe travels there and back. Please pray that the hearts of the people we will encounter will be ready to hear the Word and that God would use us in such a way that only He will receive the glory! I won't have much internet access while in Zambia, so I'm not expecting to post a blog, but you never know...keep an eye out! If I'm not able to, I plan to journal and blog along the way and will post them when I get back to Texas. Below is a picture of our team...a great looking bunch of folks if I do say so myself!
So, our team leaves in only 9 days to head to Zambia, Africa to disciple and witness to others! I'm excited to be going with a wonderful group of people who love the Lord so much. I ask for your prayers during the next 9 days and for the two weeks that we will be gone. I'm having a lot of emotions with the departure date nearing so quickly and I'm quite sure that is normal. Even so, I would love your prayers for peace, strength, and unity among our team. I know for me, as I am trying to prepare and am dealing with all of these emotions I have become very sensitive and Satan is definitely using that for his advantage right now... Other things we'd love for you to pray for is our health before, during, and after the trip, and for safe travels there and back. Please pray that the hearts of the people we will encounter will be ready to hear the Word and that God would use us in such a way that only He will receive the glory! I won't have much internet access while in Zambia, so I'm not expecting to post a blog, but you never know...keep an eye out! If I'm not able to, I plan to journal and blog along the way and will post them when I get back to Texas. Below is a picture of our team...a great looking bunch of folks if I do say so myself!
Back row left to right: Chris Williams, Chris Payne, Joel Tischauser, Jeff Collie, & Chuck Schreiber
Middle: Evan Schreiber
Front row left to right: Chisty Collie, Julie Schreiber, Shelby Tischauser, Nacole Morgan, & Amber Higgins
What else?? Well, tomorrow is the last day I'll have a first grader! As of tomorrow afternoon I'll have a second grader...that is insane! He was just a baby yesterday! Jeremy and I are so proud of all of his accomplishments this year. Austin had exceptional grades all year, and is reading way above his grade level. I love that he reads well and enjoys it! He is his momma's boy! Carson is growing like a weed too! He's always happy and smiling and has such a fun personality!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
My cup runneth over!
This Easter was one of the best Easter's I've ever had. As I've been reflecting over the many things that happened over the week leading up to Easter it would have been so easy for this Easter to have been the worst... Last week was a difficult week for me in so many ways. I had my heart broken by someone I love very much. Hurtful, untrue words were spoken that pierced me to the core...I was hurt, broken, and sad. So, how was this the best Easter ever? Oh wow, Good Friday was filled with an intense time of Bible study through Secret Church by David Platt! If you've not experienced that you MUST go check it out. It's available free on the Internet. Anyway, from 6pm to past midnight we studied God's word over the crucifixion, salvation, and the Resurrection. It. Was. Awesome. Then, Saturday we spent the day as a family and headed to church and an Easter egg hunt in Granbury! Amazing worship! Wonderful message! Sunday was filled with family, friends, thankfulness for the cross, and of course food. :) So, you're probably still wondering how it was the BEST Easter if my heart was hurting so bad, right? Well, only through the power of Christ's love and comforting arms was it possible. As I was talking to a friend about my pain, she put a wonderful perspective on what I was going through. She said, look to the cross during this time and see the pain that Jesus went through so that I may have healing from the earthly pain. THE CROSS! Yes! I decided at that moment to give my pain to Jesus, and He graciously took it and that is why this Easter was the best Easter ever. It should have been obvious to me to give my hurts to Jesus, but in the midst of the pain I needed to be reminded that nothing is too big for God! Instead of dwelling on the pain, I choose to let thankfulness overtake my heart! Thankfulness for my Savior, the cross, my husband, my beautiful boys, health, amazing friends, church, and the list could go on and on!
On Sunday afternoon, we had a small Easter egg hunt here at our house with the boys. Saturday evening, we had colored eggs and both Austin and Carson had so much fun. Well, we hid about 20 or so "real eggs" and 40 plastic eggs. Hunting eggs were Austin, Carson, and our good friend's son Christian. Carson and Austin would not pick up the "real eggs"! It was the funniest thing I've ever seen, especially with Carson. He'd pick it up thinking he found an egg and when he realized it was real (and not filled with candy), he'd put it back where he found it!! Something I'll remember forever. :)
Our mission trip to Zambia is getting closer and closer and the excitement is building! The last time I blogged, we had estimated we needed around $10,000 as a team. Well, our God is SO good. Our leaders took another look at the budget and we were able to reduce our costs by a few hundred dollars each and as of now, we only need just under $3,000! How awesome is that?! We have a garage sale on May 7th, and are working Sonic in Granbury on May 14th in hopes that we will raise enough money to complete our trip! God's provisions for this mission has been amazing!
Funny Easter egg story!
On Sunday afternoon, we had a small Easter egg hunt here at our house with the boys. Saturday evening, we had colored eggs and both Austin and Carson had so much fun. Well, we hid about 20 or so "real eggs" and 40 plastic eggs. Hunting eggs were Austin, Carson, and our good friend's son Christian. Carson and Austin would not pick up the "real eggs"! It was the funniest thing I've ever seen, especially with Carson. He'd pick it up thinking he found an egg and when he realized it was real (and not filled with candy), he'd put it back where he found it!! Something I'll remember forever. :)
Zambia Update
Our mission trip to Zambia is getting closer and closer and the excitement is building! The last time I blogged, we had estimated we needed around $10,000 as a team. Well, our God is SO good. Our leaders took another look at the budget and we were able to reduce our costs by a few hundred dollars each and as of now, we only need just under $3,000! How awesome is that?! We have a garage sale on May 7th, and are working Sonic in Granbury on May 14th in hopes that we will raise enough money to complete our trip! God's provisions for this mission has been amazing!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
New Dinosaur tracts found in Glen Rose!
A few weeks ago, Austin and his class were able to take a short field trip to see the new dinosaur tracks in Glen Rose and to help with the dig. He was excited to see the tracks but not thrilled that mom had to get a picture of him...can you tell?!
"Mom, can you hurry so I can dig?"
Digging for fossils with his friend Parker.
Austin and a few of his friends smiling with Mrs. Morris!
One of the newly discovered tracks!
Austin had a lot of fun seeing the tracks, digging for fossils, and learning a little more about archeology! I had a lot of fun watching all the kids and hearing about their plans for the dig. We are all excited to see how many tracks they end up finding.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Zambia update and some recent pictures!
So much has happened since my last post in February. I had really good intentions of updating my blog every week and well, I guess a weekly post may have been too ambitious! So, I'll update you on how the Zambia fundraiser went back in March and where we are at in preparing for our trip.
Saturday March 19th our mission team, along with some amazing volunteers showed up with great anticipation and waited on all the motorcycles to start coming in and registering for our fun ride (also known as a poker run). We ended up having 50 or so bikes and 80 riders! We also had a few vendors outside for some shopping and eating throughout the day. We ended the event with a live biker band concert for everyone and a small intimate time of worship for our team led by a couple on our team. The music was amazing in every way! In fact, everything about Saturday March 19th was amazing. God provided in so many ways that day. We all made some new friends and connections and enjoyed getting to know some of the bikers a little better. Everyone who came out to support our team was generous in their giving. A neat story about God's provision from that day that I'll never forget: We had some unexpected overhead for a few things that we hadn't budgeted for that came out to $600. A member of Stonewater heard about that overhead and wrote a check for the exact amount! So, all the funds we raised from the fun ride was able to go directly to the mission trip! How awesome is that?!
What's going on now?
We are still meeting every Monday as a team to pray, prepare for the curriculum we will be teaching, and fellowship. We only have 9 Monday's left to meet together and prepare! I know it will fly by so fast. We are also working on a few other ideas for another fundraiser to finish helping us raise the money we still need. We have a few fun ideas and I can't wait to share them with you when we have all of the details sorted out! Personally, I'm very close to having my trip funds completed and that is because of the many family and friends who have supported me on this journey. I never imagined that I would have such a wonderful response in the giving that I have received. I am truly grateful to each one of you who have not only given finanically but through your many prayers. While I am in good shape financially, there are others in our group who still have a long ways to go. I am confident that God will provide in His time. If any of you reading this would like to donate to the others on our team who still have a long way to go please email me at
Zambia Fun Ride
A video of some of the bikes as they started the fun ride!
The winner!
The proudest grandpa there!
What a cool hat!
What's going on now?
We are still meeting every Monday as a team to pray, prepare for the curriculum we will be teaching, and fellowship. We only have 9 Monday's left to meet together and prepare! I know it will fly by so fast. We are also working on a few other ideas for another fundraiser to finish helping us raise the money we still need. We have a few fun ideas and I can't wait to share them with you when we have all of the details sorted out! Personally, I'm very close to having my trip funds completed and that is because of the many family and friends who have supported me on this journey. I never imagined that I would have such a wonderful response in the giving that I have received. I am truly grateful to each one of you who have not only given finanically but through your many prayers. While I am in good shape financially, there are others in our group who still have a long ways to go. I am confident that God will provide in His time. If any of you reading this would like to donate to the others on our team who still have a long way to go please email me at
Monday, February 14, 2011
I keep saying that I'm going to blog at least once a week, and so far that hasn't happened... I promise to try harder to keep you all updated on our mission efforts and preparation. Our team has been meeting every week for a month now and we have made major progress on our fundraiser and Bible study curriculum. I'm super excited to announce our major fundraiser "Charity Ride for Zambia 2011". Our team is putting on the 1st Annual Charity Ride for Zambia on March 19, 2011. This charity ride is a 50 mile motorcyle ride through the beautiful countryside near Granbury and Glen Rose! We'd love for you to spread the word and tell any of your friends who have a motorcyle to come out and support us. Of course we'll have other activities, live concert, food, and prizes at Texana Plaza in Granbury all day on the 19th so even if you don't have a motorcyle, there's something for you to enjoy! Check out for details on how to register for this event.
Along with the motorcyle ride, we have t-shirts for sale! I am taking pre-orders this week so if you'd like one send me an email, text, or give me a call: or 940-595-0620. The t-shirt design is below!
I would also like to say how blessed I am to have so many friends and family members who have supported me not only financially but through prayer. I can honestly say that I feel your prayers and appreciate them more than words can say. I have been trying to come up with one word that descibes how I feel about all the support thus far and the word that keeps coming to mind is "Amazed". I am amazed yet again at how the Lord is blessing me through this experience. Please know that I appreciate ALL that each one of you have done for me and my team!
Along with the motorcyle ride, we have t-shirts for sale! I am taking pre-orders this week so if you'd like one send me an email, text, or give me a call: or 940-595-0620. The t-shirt design is below!
I would also like to say how blessed I am to have so many friends and family members who have supported me not only financially but through prayer. I can honestly say that I feel your prayers and appreciate them more than words can say. I have been trying to come up with one word that descibes how I feel about all the support thus far and the word that keeps coming to mind is "Amazed". I am amazed yet again at how the Lord is blessing me through this experience. Please know that I appreciate ALL that each one of you have done for me and my team!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
What's been going on?!
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ... Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.
Colossians 4: 2-3
It has been a while since my last post and so I thought today was a perfect day to change that! Since my last post, SO much has happened. I mailed out my Zambia newsletters and have gotten a wonderful response with many people willing to pray for me and our team. I couldn't be more thankful to have people praying for God's will as our team prepares to head to Africa this June. If you didn't get a newsletter and would like one, please send me an email or message and I'll gladly get one to you. Our team has begun to meet weekly and we have a tentative itinerary for what we will do while we are in Zambia. Our major fundraiser plans are coming together and I can't wait to share with you what we will be doing. More info to come soon...
Morgan Family Update:
Our little man, Carson, will be TWO next Thursday! Where has the time gone? He is such a fun kiddo. We love to watch him dance and listen to him tell stories. He is such a chatter box. His favorite thing to do right now is play with his big brother (Austin). He adores him and Austin is so good at loving on him! We are blessed to have two wonderful, healthy boys that love each other unconditionally. Austin is doing great in first grade and is having a great time playing basketball. His team is young, and they haven't won any games yet, but they are learning so much and getting the hang of things. As for me and graduate school, there have been many changes in the last month... After reflecting on my first semester of grad school I decided that school counseling is where my passion was. So, over Christmas break I did some research and found that the state of Texas requires you to have a minimum of 3 years of classroom teaching experience before you are eligible for a school counseling position. I am currently working on my teaching certification and will finish up just in time to apply for jobs in April. I hope to be a full time teacher this next school year so by the time I finish up my graduate degree, I'll be qualified for school counseling!
So in a nutshell, that's what has been going on here. God is doing amazing things in and around us right now and I'm super excited to see where He leads us throughout the preparation for Africa this summer. Even though Jeremy and the boys are staying state-side, they are very much a part of this mission! I can't wait to report back with what's going on....
Colossians 4: 2-3
It has been a while since my last post and so I thought today was a perfect day to change that! Since my last post, SO much has happened. I mailed out my Zambia newsletters and have gotten a wonderful response with many people willing to pray for me and our team. I couldn't be more thankful to have people praying for God's will as our team prepares to head to Africa this June. If you didn't get a newsletter and would like one, please send me an email or message and I'll gladly get one to you. Our team has begun to meet weekly and we have a tentative itinerary for what we will do while we are in Zambia. Our major fundraiser plans are coming together and I can't wait to share with you what we will be doing. More info to come soon...
Morgan Family Update:
Our little man, Carson, will be TWO next Thursday! Where has the time gone? He is such a fun kiddo. We love to watch him dance and listen to him tell stories. He is such a chatter box. His favorite thing to do right now is play with his big brother (Austin). He adores him and Austin is so good at loving on him! We are blessed to have two wonderful, healthy boys that love each other unconditionally. Austin is doing great in first grade and is having a great time playing basketball. His team is young, and they haven't won any games yet, but they are learning so much and getting the hang of things. As for me and graduate school, there have been many changes in the last month... After reflecting on my first semester of grad school I decided that school counseling is where my passion was. So, over Christmas break I did some research and found that the state of Texas requires you to have a minimum of 3 years of classroom teaching experience before you are eligible for a school counseling position. I am currently working on my teaching certification and will finish up just in time to apply for jobs in April. I hope to be a full time teacher this next school year so by the time I finish up my graduate degree, I'll be qualified for school counseling!
So in a nutshell, that's what has been going on here. God is doing amazing things in and around us right now and I'm super excited to see where He leads us throughout the preparation for Africa this summer. Even though Jeremy and the boys are staying state-side, they are very much a part of this mission! I can't wait to report back with what's going on....
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