Monday, July 4, 2011

Zambia 2011: Part 1 of ??

It's July 4, 2011 and I'm just now attempting my first blog about Zambia. As I sat down to begin blogging I felt bad that once again I've been a terrible blogger...but really I haven't blogged because I'm still processing everything about the mission! I've still got so much to do and so many thank you's to write to all of those who graciously gave in support of our mission in sharing God's word with the people of Africa. But, many of you have been waiting to hear how things went so here's a small preview!

When leaving the good ole USA I had no idea what to expect as I arrived in Africa! I wondered how much I'd miss Jeremy and the boys, how I'd like the food, where I would sleep, if I would make friends in Zambia, and so much more... I received answers to many of those questions and more! I missed my family something awful, was able to try some new foods, and met some of the most amazing people who I will never forget and will always call friend. During our mission, we taught a discipleship class, new believers class, as well as witnessed in the bush and local townships. To say our mission was a success would be an understatement! Our mission was amazing, fruitful, fulfilling, unforgettable...get the idea?! While these numbers are not exact, here is a good estimate of what we came up with: Around 50 salvations while witnessing at the orphanage, bush, and in the townships and 42 baptisms that took place at the orphanage the day before we left to come home! Most of the baptisms were the children who were in our new believers class we taught at the Chande (orphanage) and had been previously saved at Holiday Bible school in April 2011. However, there were mulitple children that accepted Christ while we were there! While we were playing football (soccer) and/or just being at Chande we got to know many of the students there and through that were able to share Christ with them! Not only did God prepare the ground we walked on and the hearts of the people there, but I learned a lot too. I honestly believe the people in Zambia taught me more than I could have possibly taught them. I love and miss them all so very much and look forward to seeing them again!

This was our witnessing team from the bush.
From left to right: Amber, Evan, Ruth, Nacole, Timothy, Vincent, & Chris P.

This was our new believers class that Chris W and I taught.

This is Sophy! I just love her and had the privilege of assisting in her baptism! I promised her that I would pray for her every day that she will do well in school. She is a strong young lady and I know God has great plans for her!

This is Joyce (left) and Dorthy (right)! This sweet young lady accepted Christ, with her mother by her side, as the baptims were beginning on Thursday morning! What a precious day for this beautiful family.

I have so many stories and things I can't wait to share, but there is so much that I can't get it all in one blog! 

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